

“Fortunate is the man who has time to wait”

Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681).

At CARLOSFERIEN we value your time and we have made available to our clients a new TAX ​​Consulting SERVICE to protect your TIME, inconvenience and unnecessary travels.

CARLOSFERIEN has invested time and other resources in specific training in TAX matters, obtaining the corresponding qualification that accredits us as an EXCELLENT ADVISOR and as a SOCIAL COLLABORATOR of the Tax Agency that allows us to present ALL the declarations, TAXES and tax models that the AEAT and the Community Valenciana allows telematics.

Thus, we comprehensively manage any procedure that YOU need such as the purchase of a property, the processing of your inheritance, the application for the Tourist Rental License, the cancellation of your mortgage, the sale of your home, the Application for the License of Second Occupation, the urban regularization of your property, the hiring of insurance and much more.

We process for YOU the Property Transfer Tax and Documented Legal Acts (Model 600), the Inheritance Tax (Model 650), the Income Tax of NON-RESIDENTS without a Permanent Establishment (Model 210), the Tax on the Increase in Value of the Land of Urban Nature (IIVTNU), the Tax on the Income of Physical Persons (IRPF) and much more.

If you are interested in carrying out any of these procedures, contact us without any commitment.

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